Thanh's Islet 🏝️

SICP 3.25

I struggled with this exercise for quite the time. Therefore, I am going to post some code here in the hope that people will have look at it and immediately understand what the hell has I done. Just kidding. I will try to explain the work.


Exercise 3.25: Generalizing one- and two-dimensional tables, show how to implement a table in which values are stored under an arbitrary number of keys and different values may be stored under different numbers of keys. The lookup and insert! procedures should take as input a list of keys used to access the table.


At first, I did not understand why we need *table* within a list for ptr, but then I understood it when having “fun” set!ing stuff with the copy of a list. I decided to implement a “rich man’s” pointer, and let us look how simple it is with message passing:

(define (make-ptr value)

  (define (dispatch message)
    (cond ((eq? message 'value) value)
          ((eq? message 'set-value!) (lambda (new-value)
                                       (set! value new-value)))
          (else (error "Unknown operation: MAKE-PTR" message))))


The dereferencing can be done with a simple call:

(define ptr (make-ptr 13))
(ptr 'value)
; 13


Also, let us not forget to define a key-value pair, since I was not really satisfy with all the cadring of the original implementation:

(define (make-kv-pair key value)

  (define (set-value! new-value)
    (set! value new-value))

  (define (dispatch message)
    (cond ((eq? message 'key)   key)
          ((eq? message 'value) value)
          ((eq? message 'set-value!) set-value!)
          (else (error "Unknown operation: MAKE-KV-PAIR" message))))




Key-value Pairs of our table then is a pointer, but why? You will see it later.

(define (make-table same-key?)

  (let ((kv-pairs-ptr (make-ptr (list))))


    (define (dispatch message)
      (cond ((eq? message '...) (...))
            (else (error "Unknown operation: MAKE-TABLE" message))))



To find the pair itself between pairs then can be done like this:

(define (assoc key kv-pairs)
  (if (null? kv-pairs)
      (let ((kv-pair (car kv-pairs)))
        (if (same-key? key (kv-pair 'key))
            (assoc key (cdr kv-pairs))))))


The function is used to find the value of of a key within the key-value pairs. It also complements lookup, that we are going to have a look at right after.

(define (lookup-single key kv-pairs)
  (let ((kv-pair (assoc key kv-pairs)))
    (if kv-pair
        (kv-pair 'value)


Oh, let us come to the interesting part: look a value up with keys, instead of key:

(define (lookup keys kv-pairs)
  ; Assume that ther is at least one key. If there is more keys, call the
  ; function again with those keys and the result of lookup-ing one key,
  ; which is potentially key-value pairs.
  (let ((key (car keys))
        (rest-keys (cdr keys)))
    (let ((lookup-result (lookup-single key kv-pairs)))
      (if (and (not (null? rest-keys))
               (eq? (type lookup-result) 'ptr))
          (let ((rest-kv-pairs lookup-result))
            (lookup rest-keys rest-kv-pairs))

The comment itself was fairly enough, but the type checking? It is because later, if we look at the table as key-value pairs, a two-dimensional table would be a key-value pair, which has its value as key-value pairs itself.

We can roughly see them like this:

  ((key-1-1 1) (key-1-2 2) (key-1-3 3)))
  ((key-2-1 4) (key-2-2 5) (key-2-3 6))))

The type checking is left as an exercise… No. They will be explained later.

The code has a bug however: if we use a pointer as a value somewhere, it broke the implementation. It can be fixed if we treat kv-pairs-ptr as a type itself, but I got lazy at the work.


The implementation is simple enough with a pointer, which was kinda similar to the set-cdr! part of the original implementation.

(define (insert-single! key value kv-pairs-ptr)
  (let ((kv-pairs (kv-pairs-ptr 'value)))
    (let ((kv-pair (assoc key kv-pairs)))
      (if kv-pair
          ((kv-pair 'set-value!) value)
          ((kv-pairs-ptr 'set-value!) (cons (make-kv-pair key value)


Here come the interesting part (again). The idea of insert! is kinda similar to lookup!, which is we try to do our work with the key again and again, until there is one key left. Also, do not forget to insert-single! with the current key.

(define (insert! keys value kv-pairs-ptr)
  ; Assume that there is at least one key. If there is more keys, "save" the
  ; first key as a pointer and insert it to the current key-value pairs to
  ; let `lookup` do its work later.
  (let ((kv-pairs (kv-pairs-ptr 'value)))
    (let ((key (car keys))
          (rest-keys (cdr keys)))
      (if (null? rest-keys)
          (insert-single! key value kv-pairs-ptr)
          (let ((rest-kv-pairs (cdr kv-pairs)))
            (let ((rest-kv-pairs-ptr (make-ptr rest-kv-pairs)))
              (insert-single! key rest-kv-pairs-ptr kv-pairs-ptr)
              (insert! rest-keys value rest-kv-pairs-ptr))))))

Here lies the reason why we need a pointer: without a pointer, set! and its variations simply does not work. The underlying reason is Scheme does pass-by-value to function’s arguments. set! the copy does nothing to the real variable.

Another way to implement this without set! is to do the mutation within dispatch, but sadly the solution did not occur to me at the time.


It is a boring function, but we need it to do the work:

(define (dispatch message)
  (cond ((eq? message 'lookup) (lambda (keys)
                                 (lookup keys (kv-pairs-ptr 'value))))
        ((eq? message 'lookup-single) (lambda (key)
                                        (lookup-single key (kv-pairs-ptr 'value))))
        ((eq? message 'insert!) (lambda (keys value)
                                  (insert! keys value kv-pairs-ptr)))
        ((eq? message 'insert-single!) (lambda (key value)
                                         (insert-single! key value kv-pairs-ptr)))
        ((eq? message 'assoc) (lambda
                                (key) (assoc key kv-pairs-ptr)))
        ((eq? message 'kv-pairs) kv-pairs-ptr)
        (else (error "Unknown operation: MAKE-TABLE" message))))


It also is a boring function, but we need it anyway:

(define (type value)
  (cond ((number? value) 'number)
        ((symbol? value) 'symbol)
        (value 'type)))

Within ptr’s dispatch, we can add a line:

((eq? message 'type) 'ptr)


It was fun working on the problem. I saw the power of Scheme/Lisp within reimplementing cons and cdr, but to leverage the power myself to implement a pointer is another fun thing to do. The full code can be found on my GitHub.

Also, here is a meme for you for slogging through this post:


I will not try to tell you to read SICP! It is such an interesting book that I want to keep it to myself!

#sicp #lisp #scheme